International Relations and Exchange Programs Coordination Office


Cervantes Institute

A joint protocol between Başkent University and Cervantes Institute for the activities of the institute to be carried out at Başkent University Campus, as an extension of Cervantes Institute Istanbul, was signed by Rector Prof. Dr. İbrahim Haldun Müderrisoğlu on behalf of Başkent University and Mr. Fernando Martinez-Vara de Rey de Irezábal, Director of the Cervantes Institute Istanbul, at Başkent University on 20th of October, 2023.

Cervantes Institute is a non-profit organization that was established by the Spanish State in 1991 with the aim of organizing courses, workshops or seminars that will contribute to the learning and use of the Spanish language as a foreign language and to promote Spanish cultures. The Cervantes Institute operates in more than 40 centers on four continents.

Cervantes Institute, which will be located on Başkent University Campus in Ankara as an extension of the Cervantes Institute Center in Istanbul, will organize Spanish Language Courses within Başkent University, as well as conduct Spanish DELE diploma exams on behalf of the Ministry of Spanish Education and Vocational Training

Formation training for Spanish teachers will also be held in classrooms on the Başkent University Campus.

With this protocol, Cervantes Institute and Başkent University will engage in various activities to carry out joint actions in cultural and academic fields.

For Information and Applications:

Senem Güdenler


0312 2466666 - 5143

Cervantes Enstitüsü İstanbul